Friday, February 11, 2011

New life.

Finally, I feel like blogging again.
Will be having a new life in new blog.

Click A little piece of me

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Every night i'm having a nightmare.
Each of them also related to something.
No, Just 1 thing.
My dog.
It hurt my maid n my mum.
It's already the second time.
I really cant stand for the third time.
Just sent it away....before the third time....
I really canot concentrate for others things.
but spm is...... on this wednesday.

Do you know i'm gona mad soon?
I'm so fking scare. =x

Sunday, November 1, 2009

17 days more to SPM.

OH NO!!!
Can you tell me why am i still blogging and facebook-ing?
I know i have to study hard right now.
BUT i just cant. =x
Hope there's something else can KICK ME to take my book and study. =x

but there's still something that cheer me up.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Tagged by KIM JIANG!

01 你叫什么: 陈锦漳
02 你的綽號:Jiang
03 你的血型:不懂哦...
04 你的星座:白羊座
05 你是男還是女: 男
06 你幾歲: 17
07 你住哪裡: Malaysia
08 你現在的學校::SMK Sri Sentosa
09 你有沒有手機:有

11 你最要好的朋友(限1個): Romano
12 你最討厭的人(限1個):没有

22 到目前為止,你跟多少人告白過:两个
23 到目前為止,你被多少人告白過:两个
24 到目前為止,你交過多少個男/女朋友:两 个
25 現在有另一半吗:无
26 你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你会怎样:不知道
27 你初恋情人突然跟你告白你会接受吗:看情况
28 你为什么会喜欢你現在喜欢的人:我没有喜欢的人
29 你和另一半牵手过吗:有
30 你和另一半抱或亲过吗:没有
34 是谁,你们什么关系:人咯, 朋友
35 现在有人在追你吗:哪里懂?

36 如果有天,好朋友离你而去,你会:冷静一下, 因为这是人生...
37 如果有天,好朋友背叛你,你会:冷静一下, 因为习惯了...
38 如果有天,好朋友对你喜新厌旧,你会:离开他/她
39 如果你很受不了你的父母,你会離家出走吗:会, 如果我有足够的钱
40 你上课認真吗: 还好吧...
41 你功課好不好:全都临时抱佛脚的...
42 你开电脑都在干嘛:上网和打机....
43 你的即时通有多少个同性:好像是没有……
44 你的即時通裡有多少個異性: 好像是没有……

45 传給你这份问卷的人是谁:yuen kei...
46 这個人對你好不好:ok la....
47 這個人是你的誰:friend....
48 你有喜欢过這個人吗:没有....
49 你们认识多久了:不懂....
50 這個人是怎样的人:ok 吧
51 这个人正/帥吗:正呱...
52 這個人跟你有沒有在一起过: 当然没有啦
53 万一你喜欢這個人,你会怎么办:去死....

54 說到正妹你会想到谁:Isabelle Tan
55 說到帥哥你会想到谁:Cobus
56 說到憨你会想到谁:不懂……没有……
57 說到痴你会想到谁:dont know....
58 說到暗恋你会想到谁:^^
59 說到出去玩你会想到谁:my gang...^^
60 說到聪明鬼你会想到谁:12 that gang XD
61 說到傻子你会想到谁:没人……
62 說到笑点低你会想到谁:means what? ^^
63 說到愛笑你会想到谁:Mei Swen
64 你的班导是谁:班导 izzit form teacher? Francis....
65 你的座位是第几排第几个:don't know.... cause i change place always...XD
66 你最喜欢的老師是谁:Miss Kok
67 你的英文好吗:ok ba....
68体育好吗:ok ba...
69数学好么:ok ba....
70 你喜不喜欢你的校长:nope.... cause ang pow give very little....XP
71 你的学校好看吗:sucks....
72 你的班級是:5A1
73你的班級在几楼:first floor and the only one....
74 填后感:ok la.....

2 請老实的回答每一個问題
3 不行擅自塗改題目
4 写完请点5位朋友,不可不点
5 点完后请通知那些朋友他们被点到了COPY 题目到你的BLOG慢慢填吧。

1.Lim Yue Fang
2.Ryan Yu Hong Wei
3.Ying Siew
4.Chee Chung
5.Yih Chien

Driving test.

At first...i suggest everyone dont be lazy..
just wake up at 7am and learn ur drivng at 8am.
I've tried 9am.
sometimes you are lucky bcoz the weather is comfortable. DAMN FKING HOT!!!
8am is better..or maybe that the weather is better too..LOL.

Well, i learn drive uncle's car which is Saga.
And he do let me try parking n so on with kancil.
I'm not sure whether is a JPJ 1 or duno who else 1.
but it park at there for a long time. I think.
Here is it.

I just can describe this car is a DAMN LAO YAR CAR.
Without going to die soon.
Its too hot and will causing i dont have mood to drive!!
Gona faint~ x.x
Well, I scare tml i'll get such sucks car too. OMG~

Gona wake up early in the morning tomorrow.
Ish~ need to sleep early?
Phooi Shen is having driving test tml too.
AIYO~ Tomorrow then you will know what will happen~
So....just have a nice sleep tonight. =)

Driving test is on tomorrow.
I've take extra classes for driving.
and now..
what should i do is relax, becareful and bless me. =)


Dont worry, wont have nightmare. =)
Wah~ finally i found that...i'm really didnt blog for a long time. HAHA.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Damn Sucks.

After 1 week of holiday,
the first paper we sit for trial is BM 1 and Math 1.
its an unlucky day for me.
dont ask why I have such reaction today,
Actually it's not a big deal...
it just bcoz this is the first time i've not enough time to finish my math paper.
So i've disappointed on that..
Thats why.

what the hell with me?
I'm just afraid.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Trial is going to start.
And I'm having chinese paper tomorrow.
Bless me =)
The others paper will start after the school holiday.
good luck to everyone~

Well, im going to have my first driving lesson tml too =)
Study lu~ bb